I hope our last post on overwintering geraniums was helpful. When I was visiting dad the other day, he shared that he did a couple more steps this year in preparing his geraniums for their winter slumber. This year he took more time to really prune off any dead debris on his plants, along with any leggy stems etc. He also topped up all his plants with fresh soil. This took him quite awhile as he has so many geraniums!
A selection of dad’s geranium collection, ready for their winter slumber.
I must say they look pretty impressive all grouped together! Some still have blooms on them and they will just be left as they are. With some of the stems that accidentally broke off, he started new geraniums. This is often one of dad’s gardening habits. You just don’t let a good stem go to waste! Why not start a new plant?! lol He often has little plants popping up in his workshop. I love seeing all these bits of new growth and promise.
Good luck with your own overwintering process! In the spring we will revisit dad’s geraniums as he brings them out to the world once again!
Steve’s Tips
Remove any dead debris or leggy stems from your geraniums before you set them aside for winter.
Top your containers with fresh soil for added protection.
Steve and Debbie
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